~ 6 min read

PrivateGPT: The Ultimate Solution for Offline, Secure Language Processing That Turns Your PDFs into Interactive AI Dialogues

Hello, fellow tech enthusiasts! If you're anything like me, you're probably always on the lookout for cutting-edge innovations that not only make our lives easier but also respect our privacy. Well, today, I have something truly remarkable to share with you. Imagine being able to have an interactive dialogue with your PDFs. Imagine the power of a high-performing language model operating entirely offline, securing your data and privacy. Sounds like something from the distant future, right? Well, welcome to the future now. Meet privateGPT: the ultimate solution for offline, secure language processing that can turn your PDFs into interactive AI dialogues.

Hello, fellow tech enthusiasts! If you're anything like me, you're probably always on the lookout for cutting-edge innovations that not only make our lives easier but also respect our privacy. Well, today, I have something truly remarkable to share with you. Imagine being able to have an interactive dialogue with your PDFs. Imagine the power of a high-performing language model operating entirely offline, securing your data and privacy. Sounds like something from the distant future, right? Well, welcome to the future now. Meet privateGPT: the ultimate solution for offline, secure language processing that can turn your PDFs into interactive AI dialogues.

This powerful tool, built with LangChain and GPT4All and LlamaCpp, represents a seismic shift in the realm of data analysis and AI processing. With privateGPT, you can ask questions directly to your documents, even without an internet connection! It's an innovation that's set to redefine how we interact with text data and I'm thrilled to dive into it with you. So, let's explore the ins and outs of privateGPT and see how it's revolutionizing the AI landscape.

The Power of privateGPT

What sets privateGPT apart is its unique combination of powerful language processing and respect for data privacy. This tool allows you to ask questions directly to your documents without an internet connection. Yes, you read that right - you don't need internet connectivity to tap into the power of AI. This offline functionality means your data stays right where it should be: with you.

Setting Up privateGPT

Getting started with privateGPT is straightforward. It begins with setting up the environment, which includes installing all requirements, renaming and editing environment variables, and downloading the necessary models. These models include an LLM and an Embedding model, both of which you can choose according to your preference.

Once you have your environment ready, it's time to prepare your data. You can put your text, PDF, or CSV files into the source_documents directory and run a command to ingest all the data. The ingestion process creates a local vectorstore database, ensuring all your data stays in your local environment. And the best part? You can do all this without an internet connection.

The project is hosted on GitHub and can be found at https://github.com/imartinez/privateGPT:


The first step to setup privateGPT is to clone the repository by using the following command:

git clone https://github.com/imartinez/privateGPT

Enter the new directory:

cd privateGPT

And make sure that all required packages are installed by executing command:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Having successfully installed all dependencies we need to name example.env to .env and edit the variables appropriately in the next step:

mv example.env .env

The default content of the file is the following:


As you can see the default settings assume that the LLAMA embeddings model is stored in models/ggml-model-q4_0.bin and the GPT4All model is stored in models/ggml-gpt4all-j-v1.3-groovy.bin. You can keep these settings if you download both files into the model subfolder from:

  • https://gpt4all.io/models/ggml-gpt4all-j-v1.3-groovy.bin
  • https://huggingface.co/Pi3141/alpaca-native-7B-ggml/resolve/397e872bf4c83f4c642317a5bf65ce84a105786e/ggml-model-q4_0.bin

Both files will require a total of 8 Gigabytes of disk space on your local system.

Ingesting Document Data

Put the files (.txt, .pdf, or .csv files) you'd like to chat with into the source_documents directory.

Run the following command to ingest all the data:

python ingest.py


Here's a fun fact about privateGPT that totally blew my mind when I first discovered it: when you begin the ingest process, privateGPT creates a db folder where it accumulates a local vector store. Think of it as a personal library where all your document insights are stored! Depending on the size of your documents, this process might take some time, but trust me, it's worth the wait.

The beauty of this system is that you can ingest as many documents as you like, and everything gets accumulated in this local embeddings database. It's like having an ever-expanding library of knowledge right at your fingertips! And if you ever feel like starting from scratch, all you have to do is delete the db folder, and voila, you're back to a clean slate.

Here's the kicker: throughout this entire process, your data doesn't wander off into the vast wilderness of the internet. Nope, it stays right there in your local environment. Can you believe it? You can even ingest documents without an internet connection. It's like privateGPT has given us a magical, offline portal to the power of AI. Absolutely game-changing, don't you think?

Interacting with Your Documents

With your data ingested and the environment set up, you're ready to start conversing with your documents. Running a command prompts privateGPT to take in your question, process it, and generate an answer using the context from your documents. What used to be static data now becomes an interactive exchange, and all this happens offline, ensuring your data privacy.

Start the privateGPT chat by entering:

python privateGPT.py

You should then be asked to input your first question about the content of the ingested document data as you can see in the following:


Hit return and within a few seconds you'll see that privateGPT is able to provide you with the exact information which is taken from the ingested document data:


The Mechanism Behind privateGPT

So how does privateGPT achieve all this? It employs local models and LangChain's power to run the entire pipeline locally. The document parsing and embeddings creation occur using LangChain tools and LlamaCppEmbeddings, with the results stored in a local vector database. When you pose a question, privateGPT uses a local language model to understand the question and formulate answers. It extracts the context from the local vector store, locating the right context from your documents.


As we wrap up our journey through the exciting world of privateGPT, it's clear that we've entered a new era of language processing. This powerful tool is a game-changer, bringing offline capabilities, secure processing, and the ability to transform static PDFs into engaging, interactive dialogues.

The power of AI is no longer tethered to the internet, and our text data is no longer a one-way street. With privateGPT, we can ask questions, seek clarifications, and engage with our documents in a way that was unimaginable a few years ago. And the best part? All of this happens while ensuring our data remains entirely within our own environment, fully respecting our privacy.

The future of AI processing is here, and it's offline, it's secure, and it's conversational. It's privateGPT, the ultimate solution that's set to reshape our interaction with text data. So whether you're a data analyst, a researcher, or a tech enthusiast like me, privateGPT is an innovation you definitely want to explore.

As we continue to navigate this remarkable landscape, I can't wait to see what other exciting developments await us. But for now, it's time to start chatting with our PDFs and other documents. Let's embrace this AI revolution!